When I sat down to write this blog post my first thought was “I don’t really have much to share.” It seems like I have basically spent the past month studying…but I guess the reasons I have spent all that time studying are worth sharing!
First off, I have officially completed my master’s degree! The last two weeks of February were a little hectic as I completed my clinical hours and capstone project, made a two-day trip to Chicago for a required review course, and then took the final exam. It definitely felt good to submit that final assignment!
February 26th was the last day of grad school, and I gave myself two days off before I started studying for my boards. For those that don’t know, a nursing degree doesn’t really mean much until you pass the national certification exam….no pressure, right?! I was able to schedule my board exam for March 17th so I basically studied all day every day for 2.5 weeks. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about taking my boards, but I am happy to share that I PASSED! That passing result means I get to add a few letters behind my name:
Sarah Heinz, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
- MSN = Master of Science in Nursing
- APRN = Advanced Practice Registered Nurse
- FNP-C = Family Nurse Practitioner – Certified
It’s funny to think that a handful of letters summarizes so many prayers and so much hard work (and a few tears along the way…) over the past 3 years. I am incredibly thankful for my support system that has encouraged and prayed me through this season, especially over the past few weeks while I studied for my boards.
The last piece of exciting news I have to share is that I finally have a moving date! I will be moving to the Dominican Republic this Saturday, March 26th. I have been ready to move to the DR since I was offered the position with SRI – I am so excited that the time has finally come to start this next chapter of my life! With that being said, I would appreciate your prayers this week as I wrap up my life here in the US and transition to my new life and role in the DR. I know that I am going to miss my family and friends here in the States, but I could not be more excited for what God has in store for me in San Juan!

I took my boards on St. Patrick’s Day — it only seemed fitting to wear my green SRI shirt!