July has been another busy month! After four straight weeks of teams in June, we had the first week of July off. Tyler and I started the break by going on a hike to a waterfall with our friends Katelyn and Angel. We were about five minutes from making it to the waterfall when it started pouring rain – needless to say it was a soggy hour and a half hike back to the truck! We really wanted to make it to a waterfall so a few days later we went on a hike to another nearby waterfall, and this time we were successful. I am constantly in awe of the beauty of the place I now call home!

During our week off I also moved into my apartment. I had slowly been furnishing my apartment over the past 2 months which made moving in pretty easy. As much as I have loved living at the guest house, it feels really nice to have my own space and to really feel settled. I am home! Arlo is also enjoying life at the apartment. He really seems to appreciate being on the second floor and all the people/animal watching he can do from the porch!

This month we had another two VBS/construction teams. All summer I have enjoyed being around as the teams prep for VBS. It is fun to watch each teams’ enactments of the Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son stories, and to hear them practice some of the songs I remember singing on my first mission trip here. This week we have a medical team, and it feels really good to be doing some hands-on work again! I really enjoy working alongside our medical teams, learning from the physicians as they see patients, and also hearing their stories of how they came to serve with SRI. Braegan came out with us Monday and it was fun to experience the day through her perspective.
Over the course of this month I have had many moments where I have paused to reflect, and I am always left feeling so incredibly thankful.
I am thankful for friends who helped me pick out just about everything in my apartment, who helped me put all my furniture together, and helped me move.
I am thankful to have friends who were willing to help me set up my electricity and internet.
I am thankful to have friends that I can call who will drop what they’re doing to come help me when I need it most.
I am thankful for the opportunity to serve with SRI – I am literally getting to do my dream job.
I am thankful for the place that I get to call home and for the beauty of God’s creation that I am constantly surrounded by.
What are you thankful for today?
Prayer requests:
- Spanish
- Health and rest for all SRI staff