Lots has been going on in the last month and a half!
At the beginning of January I started the last 8-week course of my Family Nurse Practitioner program. I can hardly believe I am almost done – it has been quite the journey! This last class is extra busy with the capstone project being added on in addition to the typical course load, while also completing the last of my clinical hours. I have had to do some traveling for all of my clinical sites during this program which has added a little extra stress, but in the end I am not too upset about it because I have had some incredible clinical preceptors to learn from! February 26th is the last day of the session and as soon as my school submits final grades I will be able to apply for boards. Once I have that date, I will have a better idea of when I will be able to move to the Dominican Republic. I am really hoping I won’t have to wait too long to take my boards – I would love to be in the DR by the end of March!
Throughout my master’s program I have continued to work full-time in surgery. I finally reached the point where I needed to focus on finishing my degree and wrapping up my life here in the States. January 28th was my last day working in surgery. My coworkers were so sweet and surprised me by bringing in treats, and they even took up a collection to help support my mission. I will forever be thankful for the nurse this job has helped shape me into and for all the amazing people I have gotten to work with over the past few years!

Another big thing that happed this past month was the sale of my home. I listed my condo on a Tuesday and had an offer on Saturday – I can hardly believe how fast it went but I am very thankful for the Lord’s provision! We close on the sale this Thursday so I over the past two weeks I have packed up, sold, or donated my belongings and moved back in with my parents. I am very thankful for my parents’ willingness to allow me to live with them until I move to the DR! I am also grateful for the extra time this means I will now get to spend with my family…I have been so busy between work and school it seems like I have hardly seen them.
This has been a very busy season and there have been times when I have felt pretty overwhelmed, but I am constantly reminded that I am not on this journey alone. From family and friends giving up their time to help me move, to SRI staff reaching out to check in on me, to updates on my fundraising, I am continuously humbled and grateful for the people God has put in my life. God is SO good!
Prayer requests:
- Strong finish of grad school
- Studying for boards
- Fundraising