“Trusting in God is the process of learning how to be okay with unanswered questions and the embodiment of realizing that whatever happens, whether you wanted it to or not – if you are in God’s perfect will, it is much better than anything you could have planned for yourself. Trust is blind but so necessary, in order for us to experience true peace and unspeakable joy.”
I was flipping through my prayer journal the other day and came across this quote that I wrote down back in July. In the past decade or so, whenever I have had to make a big decision the word that always comes up is “trust”. Whether it is in songs, sermons, or podcasts I’m listening to, “trust” has been a reoccurring word and theme in those seasons. Ok God, I hear you and I trust you! Making the decision to move back to the United States was no different. God, I don’t know what you’re doing or what your plan is for my life, but I know who you are so I know I can trust whatever it is that you have ahead for me. I trust you, Lord! And while I still don’t know what my future holds, I have peace about this next chapter. I know that God has a plan for me and that if I continue to trust Him, my life will be infinitely better than what it would be on my own.
February Updates
We started the month by hosting a group from Northwoods Church (Peoria, IL) who came and partnered with my home church here, Mennonite Central Church, for 4 days of evangelism, construction projects, medical and chiropractic care in the La Florida area. This is the team that I came with prior to moving here so it was so good to see so many dear friends. Their encouragement and prayers truly did come at exactly the time I needed it most.

That week Stacey Reed returned with the purpose of just spending time with the American missionary staff. I am so grateful that Stacey was willing to come and give her time this way. She listened to us, prayed with us, and just poured into and encouraged the three of us girls. One day we even had a spa day! Stacey, you are such a blessing and I am so glad we will be able to continue this friendship when I move back to Illinois!

Last week we had a barrio/surgery team here from Hickory, North Carolina. I spent the week out at the clinic with the ENT surgical team, and they were able to complete 51 surgeries in 4 days thanks to their experienced and efficient team! Quite a few of the patients traveled several hours to get to the clinic and have surgery with the team. This was my last surgical team with Solid Rock which is bittersweet for many reasons. My nursing career started in surgery and it is strange to think that I may never again work in an OR. If that is the case, I am grateful to end my surgical career on a high note with the Hickory ENT team!
On Valentine’s Day I spent the majority of my day at the clinic helping with consults for ENT surgical team. Kelsi, Bianca, Hilda, and I wore red in celebration of the day (some of the patients did too!) That evening we had a Galentine’s party at Kelsi’s apartment. It is always nice to get to spend time with the girls outside of work!

It is hard to believe I am heading into my last month here in the DR. I continue to hand over the responsibilities of the medical coordinator position to Kelsi, and I am trying to step back more and more so that she will feel relatively confident in the position by the time that I leave. I am still in the process of finding homes for everything in my apartment, and I’m continuing to work through the process to get my dogs back to the states. I also continue to work through all the emotions that come with wrapping up life in one country and moving back to another. More often than not I am feeling multiple emotions at once and I am doing my best to remain grateful and present to savor the time that I have left here. And above all I am trusting in God’s plan.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6
Prayer requests:
- Health and safety for our team
- Continued prayers for this time of transition (for the team here and for me as I move back to the US)
- That everything comes together so my dogs can make the move home with me